Welcome to Mitra Palupi

Your Global Lens

Exploring perspectives on global phenomena, inspiring ideas that shape the world.

Mitra Palupi

Mitra Palupi is your trusted source for insightful perspectives on global phenomena, offering sharp analyses, inspirational narratives, and bold opinions.

Mitra Palupi


Our primary goal is to empower readers with relevant global insights, helping them navigate the intricacies of the modern world through fresh, inspiring perspectives.

Our uniqueness lies in a humanistic and bold analytical approach. By blending data with compelling stories, Mitra Palupi engages readers emotionally and intellectually, making complex issues more accessible.

We explore a wide range of global issues, including:

Environment, sustainability, and climate change

International politics and diplomacy.

Technology and its societal impact.

Motivational human-interest stories.

Our audience includes global readers from diverse backgrounds who seek in-depth analysis, moving narratives, and unconventional perspectives on the world.

The tagline reflects our mission to serve as a lens, helping readers see the world more broadly and deeply by connecting local perspectives with global issues.

Yes, we provide spaces for reader discussions, collaboration with writers, and opportunities to contribute opinions through our digital platform, fostering a community of shared insights.

If you have unique insights or inspirational narratives, you can reach out to our editorial team to pitch ideas or articles via Mitra Palupi’s official website.


Tantangan dan Peluang UMKM di Era Ekonomi Kekinian

Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) adalah salah satu pilar penting dalam perekonomian Indonesia. UMKM berperan sebagai penyerap tenaga kerja yang signifikan sekaligus penyumbang besar terhadap Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB). Namun, di tengah perkembangan zaman yang pesat, UMKM dihadapkan pada tantangan baru yang tidak bisa diabaikan. Tantangan ini, meskipun sulit,…

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Panduan Membuat Poster dari Hasil Program Magang (Pelatihan Mengajar)

Poster hasil program magang harus dirancang untuk memberikan informasi secara singkat, visual, dan menarik. Poster ini berfungsi sebagai alat komunikasi untuk menyampaikan pengalaman, capaian, serta dampak dari pelatihan mengajar. Berikut adalah langkah-langkah membuat poster yang efektif: pembuatan poster dari program magang 1. Tentukan Struktur Poster Poster umumnya memiliki struktur yang…

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Konten Mitra Palupi

Integrasi Deep Learning dalam Kurikulum Merdeka: Mendorong Pembelajaran Proyek dan Diferensiasi

Pendekatan deep learning sangat relevan dengan implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka yang kini diterapkan di Indonesia. Kurikulum ini menitikberatkan pada pembelajaran berbasis proyek (Project-Based Learning) dan pembelajaran berdiferensiasi, yang bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan peserta didik secara individual. Esensi deep learning adalah membantu peserta didik memahami konsep secara mendalam, mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir kritis,…

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Konten Mitra Palupi

Myths and Ancestral Stories: How Cultural Narratives Shape Personal Identity

In the intricate tapestry of human existence, myths and ancestral stories hold a unique and enduring thread. These narratives, passed down through generations, do more than entertain; they serve as the bedrock of cultural identity and influence the way individuals perceive themselves within the broader societal context. For many, these…

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Cup of Coffee


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